Eliminate USD Transactions, Unlock Discounts & Pay Later on

with SaaSPay’s Customer First Payments solution
    • Book a meeting to start saving 40% on your AWS bill

More than 100+ sellers who trust SaaSPay

Changing the way you
pay on AWS

Limited Payment

AWS currently allows for flexible 30 day pay back on its SaaS & Cloud solution, however businesses looking to optimise working capital cycles request longer payback periods.

Complications in USD Payments

ACH transfers, withholding taxes and pricey conversion rates make multi-currency transactions a hassle transacting on Marketplace.

Upfront payments to unlock discounts

Withholding taxes set the customer back an 15 to 20%, leaving them expecting SaaS sellers to absorb the added costs.

Introducing SaaSPay

A Customer-First Payment Solution

To solve for Multi-currency transactions & Payment Flexibility

Bye USD Payments, Hello
Smooth INR Transactions!

Eliminate 15% of withholding taxes to save more on your AWS Marketplace Subscriptions. Transact in INR and forgo the paperwork & exorbitant conversion fee that comes with ACH transfers.

Buy Now, Pay 3 Months Later at No Cost

With a free of cost 90 day payment solution, adjust working capital cycles and convert opex into capex. Improve cash flow management to optimise capital allocation.

Unlock Discounts up to 57% & Monthly Payment Flexibility

Access discounts upwards of 50% that come with full upfront EDP commits without paying upfront. Continue to pay monthly to enjoy payment flexibility with SaaSPay.

Frequently asked Questions

SaaSPay is an AWS exclusive CPPO payments partner working to solve for multi-currency transactions & payment flexibility.

AWS Marketplace is a digital catalog of software solutions, services, and products that are pre-configured for use on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud platform. It offers a wide range of offerings from independent software vendors (ISVs) and service providers, making it easier for businesses to find, purchase, and deploy software and services directly within their AWS environment.

Pay Later on AWS allows you to use native services and pay back on your own terms! This option provides flexibility in managing your cash flow, enabling you to use AWS services immediately while deferring payment for a more convenient time. It simplifies billing and can be a valuable resource for businesses looking to optimize their financial operations.

Net 90 payment terms mean that you have 90 days from the date of purchase to make the payment for the AWS services you've used. This extended payment period helps you improve cash flow management by delaying the settlement of charges. It offers financial flexibility and allows you to invest in your business without immediate payment constraints.

With the Flexible Payment Options, you can now choose from various payment methods, including Pay Later and Net 90, to match your financial needs. There is not any rigidity involved anymore, so you grow on your terms while enjoying the benefits of your favorite SaaS solutions.

The 90-day invoice terms refer to the payment terms available in the AWS Marketplace, specifically in the Net 90 payment option. With this, you have 90 days to settle the invoice for AWS services you've used. This extended period provides greater flexibility for managing your budget and cash flow while still benefiting from AWS's cloud services.